In bond example sentences

It is due to the inability of ns2 electrons of valence shell to participate in bonding.If you are a bond holder a decrease in bond price means a loss to you – similar to a loss you would suffer if the value of a property held by you suddenly depreciates in the market.As a result of this, only p-orbital electron may be involved in bonding.Here are a few extracts from Ruskin Bond s diary in which he portrays the silent miracles of nature and life s little joys and regrets.However, down the group, due to poor shielding effect of intervening d and f orbitals, the increased effective nuclear charge holds ns electrons tightly (responsible for inter pair effect) and thereby, restricting their participation in bonding.Everyone is sure of a future rise in interest rate and a fall in bond prices.The double bond is shorter in bond length (134 pm) than the C–C single bond (154 pm).

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